Element.unselectable - 1.0 - Docs
Element.unselectable 1.0 Documentation

What's Element.unselectable?

Element.unselectable is an extension of the native element object, that allows the user to make the text inside a given element unselectable

Which versions of mootools is it compatible with?

mooltiselect is compatible with mootools 1.2 and 1.3.

Which browsers is it compatible with?

It was tested with IE7, IE8, FF2, FF3, Safari 5, Chrome 2 and Opera 11. All under windows.

How to use it?

You'll need a 2 things to use it. First of all the mootools Core library. you need to include the mootools file and the Element.unselectable file between the <head> and </head> of your html code.
then just add to your domready event, the call to Element.unselectable, something like:

	window.addEvent('domready', function(){


I recommened to check the demo, since I'm not the best of the writers, when comes to write documentation, though, I think I made a descent job here.